Ekank🙋 and Sahil🧖 both are very hard working students. This result is of first attempt and both will surely do better in the final attempt. HOPES has 6 more students who can get up to this score. We all, the HOPES management and faculties are working hard to get better scores for these dedicated students.
EKANK,🙋 stays at JAITALA which is approximately 3 kms from HOPES. He comes by bicycle🚴 & He is very punctual and sincere.He practices at HOPES whenever he gets time in the day. WE ALL WISH HIM ALL THE VERY BEST 🤝.
SAHIL🧖 stays at TRIMURTI NAGAR. He is equally sincere and concerned about his result. He studies all night and even keeps himself physically fit by playing badminton,🏸. This is very important lesson to be taken by 12th Std students from Sahil & Ekank to keep yourself physically fit, so that when the exam comes you should be able to give your best.